Saturday, April 23, 2011

Review: Cinderella: Ninja Warrior by Maureen McGowan

Cinderella: Ninja Warrior
by Maureen McGowan

The Book:
This is the first book of the Twisted Tales series written by Maureen McGowan. The second book is called Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer. Which I already reviewed her on the blog :) So go check it out.
Both books were given to me by Baker and Publishing Group, through Netgalley.
They are a series, but both books are different stories. So you don´t need to read number 1 and then number 2 :) They are just modern re-tellings with a twist, from the original fairytales :)

ISBN13: 9781607102557
320 pages

Read: April 2011
Language: English

Summary: (from Goodreads)
In this fast-paced story full of adventure and romance, Cinderella is more than just a servant girl waiting for her prince—she's a tough, fearless girl who is capable of taking charge of a dangerous situation. Seeking to escape the clutches of her evil stepmother, Cinderella perfects her ninja skills and magic talents in secret, waiting for the day when she can break free and live happily ever after. In a special twist, readers have the opportunity to make key decisions for Cinderella and decide where she goes next—but no matter the choice; the result is a story unlike any fairy tale you've ever read!

The Story:
Is about Cinderella living with her stepmother and stepsister. Which hold her as a prisoner in her own home. After her real parents both is dead. Though she is more then a servant girl in her own home. One day she gets a visit by a young man called Ty who becomes her friend. One day he asks her to enter a wizard competition, where she can win the opportunity to be trained by the royal wizard. Though her family must not now about it, since she is being held prisoner. She has to find a way out. And a way to enter the competition. She only know a little magic, since she´s been training in secret. But things are not as easy as it sounds like, when you are under a spell.. A spell which would turn herself and the one she explains the spell to, will both turn into stone. So how will she get out of this mess, so she can live her own life, without lying. Specially to the boy she likes :)

My opinion:
I liked this book as much as I loved the other re-telling by the same author.
I was entertained the whole way through. And it was typical fairytale story with happy ending etc. though with a twist of humor. And as the other you can choose some of the plot yourself. Because after every chapter you have to choose between two options of what to happen next. Which I think is pretty funny :P And makes you keep reading :P
Therefor I choose to rate this book 5 out of 6 stars

So if your looking for some entertaining and enjoy the classic fairy-tales, this might be a fun twist to read :D Which you should check out..

Though I have to say. I do not get why they call it Ninja Warrior. A more suitable title would be something about wizard apprentice or something like that.. I just got annoyd everytime I read the word ninja, because it just didn´t fit in. hehe

Also check out:
- Review Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer
- Read about or add to Goodreads
- Authors homepage

Have you read this book? Or the sequel? What did you think?
Do you know any other re-tellings I should check out :D



  1. I so want to read these books. They sound like a lot of fun and I love re-tellings! They always make me smile and laugh. :D Thanks so much for the review.

  2. I've been curious about this one since I've seen it popping up on a few different blogs.

    I'm still intrigued by this one! :)

    Interesting review,
