Normally I would write about all the books I wish for. But this week I want to make it a little different :) This week it´s my Wish list in DVD series :) Since I love watching series on Television. And I own a lot of them :P
I really want to own these:

Though I have already watched all of the episodes of Vampire Diaries and Charmed. I just have to own theme :D And the others I have watched many of the episodes, but would really like to watch them from the beginning to the end :D
If your bored. You could check out these series on IMDB
- Angel
- Buffy
- Charmed
- Roswell
- Vampire Diaries
Have you seen any of these? Or do you own any of them? What do you think about them?
Herlig! Jeg elsker Buffy og har alle sesongene på DVD, og finner dem titt og ofte fram! Men jeg har ikke den boksen, da. Angel- boksen og Charmed - boksen, derimot, står i filmhylla. Liker veldig godt Angel (selvfølgelig siden jeg er Buffy - fan), men Charmed er også morsomt. (Og så skrev jeg på norsk fordi jeg glemte at dette var den engelske siden din...., ja, ja).
ReplyDeleteLove your wishlist I was totally obsessed with buffy and angel growing up. Roswell and charmed are just as awesome and I always would sucked into watching charmed they gave it on TNT!
ReplyDeleteI want all of them! I was soo obsessed with Buffy at one point! :D Hope you get them.
ReplyDeleteOh yea! I've awarded you here:
Silje: Det gjør ingen ting ;) Eg skjønner jo norsk :P hehe Har ikkje sett buffy og Angel på 10 år tror jeg xD Så har veldig lyst til og se det igjen.. :P
ReplyDeleteMelissa: I know.. I watched Buffy and Angel about 10 years ago. So don´t really remember it other then I loved it :P So need to watch them again.
Roswell I saw on TV a while ago. But want to see it from the begining. Just to bad they are a little expensive..
Selfcentered: Thanks for the award :D
I want all of them to :P Hope you get them soon to ;)