Look at this amazing picture..
Who didn`t wish it was them..
I totally wanna be this girl..
I want that awesome dress.
And I so wanna learn to shout with a bow and arrow.
How bad ass wouldn`t that be :D
Have you ever tried it??
The dress can be bought HERE.
And I need to save money.. No idea when I would be able to use it.
But I don`t care.. ME WANT
I find renessance clothes so pretty and feminine :)
Always wanted.. I have several dresses.. I can share more with you guys another day ;)
Do you know of any goods shop? for clothes like this.
I would love tips.
For the bow.. Well I haven`t found the perfect one yet..
Thinking of just buy a cheap set to start of with.
And learn myself how to shoot :D
Do you think it`s possible??
Can you shot with a bow and arrow? Is it difficult??